Event: Quantitative Methods for Dynamic Economics

Registration via https://event.ugent.be/registration/quantitativemethodsfordynamiceconomics from 08-12-2022 14:41 until 31-01-2023 12:00


The main objective of this course is to have the first step to bring a model closer to the data. Typically, in quantitative economics today, models do not have analytical solutions, which makes computational tools as well as the knowledge of applying the right one indispensable.

The goal is to build confidence in using computational methods and recursive methods. The intention is to build a solid foundation of these methods, not a comprehensive treatment of all useful methods, not even close. Time permitting, we can have a class on parallel programming. After this class, you can build upon your skills and execute your thesis or job market paper masterfully.

Register Option Description Location When? Cost in EUR Available Seats

Quantitative Methods for Dynamic Economics


Course days:


  1. 15/02
  2. 01/03
  3. 15/03
  4. 29/03
  5. 19/04
  6. 03/05
  7. 17/05
  8. 31/05

To be announced

15-02-2023 12:00 - 31-05-2023 12:00



Additional Questions